AdH2 project
Progetto idrogeno
Advolo – Safety and solutions
Design and technical consulting for UE directives and regualtions
Safety for industrial environments and equipments
Video Cerimonia di Inaugurazione del centro interdipartimentale di Ricerca e per i servizi nel settore della produzione, stoccaggio e utilizzo dell’Idrogeno – H2More
al minutaggio 4:52:00 il collega Matteo Brighi presenta il progetto Advolo
The legal context
Constraint and opportunity
Italian and European legal context
National and international standards
Long-term goal
Massive UE investments for Net-Zero Emissions scenario (2050)
Short-term goal
Planned electrolyser capacity and
estimation of additional renewable
capacity (2021-2026)
iea – Renewables 2021, analysis and forecast to 2026
Hydrogen and the italian context
Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza (PNRR)
530 Mln €
H2 for rail transportation
450 Mln € » 1GW/y di H2 (2026)
Decreto 198 e 199 del 30-06-2022
Target of H2 (on national basis):
2% (2030) – 20% (2050)
1.6 Mton/y of H2
10 GW electrolyser capacity
Armaroli et al. Nature 2730-7999 (2021)
The legal context
Constraint and opportunity
Fix and portable refuelling stations
Automatic electrical charging stations
Volumetric and peristaltic pumps
Paint dispensers
Fuel cell testing stations
Fuel cell testing stations
Advolo collaborations
Atex classifiaction of areas
- Gas and dust area classifications
- Containement of explosion
- Sensors and protective systems desing
On-going collaborations
in-situ production and storage H2 system
Design and development of hydrogen innovation center logo