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Advolo’s Blog

- Laws
What is the difference between substantial and non-substantial change?
The Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC explains well what is the difference between substantial and non-substantial change.

- Laws
Key EU Regulations in the area of MOCAs
With regard to food machinery, the application of the Machinery Directive alone is not sufficient, but the application of Regulation 1935/2004 is also required.

- Laws
The noise of the machines
Noise is an inherent characteristic of the machine that every manufacturer is required to consider during the design phase.

- Laws
Food processing machinery and food contact materials: legislative aspects and compliance
Food is essential for human well-being, so the process, distribution and control along the production chain are duly regulated.

- Laws
EU Regulation 2023/1230, the role of digital media and cybersecurity
Cybersecurity, once EU Regulation 2023/1230 comes into force, will become a key issue in machine safety.

- Various
Ergonomics: what it is and why it is important
Ergonomics is the science that deals with the interaction between individuals and technologies, with the goal of improving worker satisfaction and system performance.

- Standards
ISO 7010: International Symbology on Machine Safety
When it comes to machine safety, it is necessary to rely on information systems that rely not on words, but on symbols-a universal language that is immediate and understandable by anyone.

- Standards
Managing the risks of suspended loads in packaging machines: focus on automatic and semi-automatic winders conforming to EN 415
Packaging machines involving suspended loads present a number of hazards that must be managed rigorously.

- Laws
How is it defined an assemblies of machinery and how shall be assessed an industrial line?
How a set of industrial machines is defined and how a industrial line is certified.

- Innovation
Advolo is part of the Sustainable Innovators 2023 of the Emilia-Romagna
Since 2015, the “Regional Award for Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Innovation” has been highlighting responsible innovation experiences.

- Innovation
Call for proposals to support the digital transition of enterprises in Emilia-Romagna POR – ERDF 2021/2027
The Ad Pro X project will initiate a digital, interactive and cognitive transformation for all our clients.

- Laws
The EMC Directive
In the industrial (and non-industrial) world, electronics play a crucial role in the design of everyday products.